Here is our current set of working bylaws. The Indy Club let us have theirs to start from. I am sure we will be making some changes. Updated 1-20-09 _________________________________________________ BYLAWS OF Minnesota Disc Dog Club INC. ARTICLE I . OFFICIAL NAME Section l. This organization shall be known as the Minnesota Disc Dog Club, or (MNDDC). It is a Non-Profit Domestic corporation created on the . ARTICLE I I . MISSION Section l. The promotion of the sport of canine disc. To provide assistance, such as exhibitions, to dog/animal charity organizations and the event sponsors. To offer its members a safe and clean training environment at meetings. To heighten public awarness of the happiness dog's can bring to people's lives when properly trained. To educate the public about the need for animal population control throught the spaying/neutering over euthanasia and to promote canine rescue organizations. ARTICLE I I I . MEMBERSHIP Section l. Membership in this club shall be of active classification only as described below. Section 2. A person may hold membership in more than one Disc Dog club. Section 3. Members of this club are expected to participate in club activities, including fundraising, pay club financial obligations, be appointed to conmittees and be elected as officers or directors. Section 4. Qualification for Active Membership: a. A person requesting membership into this club must first complete a membership application and submit it, along with their first year's dues, to any active Board member, or mail it to the club's mailing address. b. An activc member must subscribe to the "Mission" of the MNDDC. c. An active ntentber must pay annual membership dues and shall be entitled to all privileges of club membership. ARTICLE IV. DISCIPLINE OF MEMBERS Section l. The intent of Discipline is to correct verbal and/or physical infractions that do not comply with or promote the "Mission" of the MNDDC and to provide a corrective measure to promote the "Mission" and good sportsmanship. Section 2. The Board of Directors will review infractions and assign any of the following Disciplines. They will then assign a spokesperson for the Board of Directors to inform the member or members of the Discipline to be applied. a. Counseling: Address the infraction with the Member or Members to promote a positive understanding of the problem. Corrective action by the Member is required. b. Reprimand: Removal of the Member's "Active Membership Status" for the next event sponsored by the MNDDC. Corrective action by the Member is required. c. Suspension: Loss of Membership status and privileges and banned from participating in MNDDC sponsored events not to exceed the current calendar year. d. Expulsion: Loss of Membership status and privileges for the remainder of current calendar year and banned from the MNDDC as a member and as a participant in it's functions and sponsored events for the next calendar year. ARTICLE V. OFFICERS Section l. The officers shall bc a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past President. Section 2. Each officer shall be an active member in good standing. No offices shall be combined in one person except Secretary and Treasurer. Section 3. All officers shall enter upon their official duties on January l of each year and shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successor shall be duly elected. Section 4. The President has the following duties and responsibilities: a. Be the executive officer for this club. b. Preside over all meetings of the club and the Board of Directors. c. Be an ex-officio member of all comittees. Section 5. The Vice Presiclent has the following duties: a. Preside over meetings in the absence of the President. b. Perform such duties and responsibilities as usually pertain to such office or as may be assigned by the President or Board of Directors. Section 6. The Secretary has the following duties and responsibilities: a. Keep the club books and records, including membership. b. Keep minutes of the meetings of the Club, the Board and Committees. c. Submit reports to the club at such times as the President or Board may require. d. Perform such other duties and responsibilities as usually pertain to such office or as may be assigned by the President or Board of Directors. Section 7. The Treasurer has the following duties and responsibilities: a. Receive all funds and promptly deposit them in the official depositories. b. Disburse funds on the order of the Board of Directors. c. Maintain the club financial accounts and records. d. At all times, make available for inspection by the President, the Board of Directors, or any authorized auditors, the financial accounts and records of the club. e. Make a financial report to the Board of Directors at each of their meetings, at the annual club meeting, and at such other times as the President or Board of Directors may require. f. File timely reports with the Minnesota Secretary of State (Form ?48725), due March 31, and the Minnesota Department of Revenue (Form ??NP-20), due May 15, each year as required by law. Section 8. The immediate Past President will serve as advisor to the Officers & Board of Directors. ARTICLE VI. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of the club officers and the members elected to the following positions. (1) Membership Director, (2) Event Director, (3) Animal Welfare Advocate, (4) Sponsorship Director, (5) Promotions Director, (6) Demo/Show Director, (7) Webmaster, (8) Newsletter Editor, (9) Merchandizing Director and (10 & ll) two At-Large Members. Section 2. Each director shall be an active member in good standing and must attend 50% of regular scheduled board meetings to maintain their position on the board. Section 3. The directors shall enter upon their official duties on January I of each year and serve for a term of two ( 2 ) years or until their successor shall be duly elected. Section 4. The Board of Directors shall determine thc policies and activities of the club, approve the budget, approve all bills, take counsel with committees, and have general management of the club. Section 5. The Board of Directors shall meet monthly during the months of December through April, plus once in mid-summer, the date to be determined at the April meeting. They shall hold additional meetings at the call of the President or a majority of the Board. At the discretion of the Board, the Committee Chairpersons shall meet in joint session with the Board. Section 6. A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, except in cases where a largcr vote of the entire Board is required under these bylaws. Section 7. All existing members at large at the time the by-laws are finalized shall continue their duties and maintain their voting status until 2010. Section 8. Any officer or board position vacated will be filled at a special meeting of the board of directors. The person filling the vacated position will hold that position for the remainder of the current term. ARTICLE V I I . ADDITIONAL DUTIES OF ELECTED BOARD MBMBBRS Section 1. Elected board members have the following duties in addition to their responsibility to the Board. Membership Director: Keep track of membership and keep members informed of club benefits, organize membership drives, forward membership information to the Secretary within one (l) week of receiving the application, give membership reports for club meetings, and forward all received membership dues to the Treasurer within one (l) week, or deposit within one week. Event Director: Will work in conjunction with Event Coordinators to organize and oversee events, find fields and indoor facilities for events, get judges for events, get awards for events, organize volunteers for events, and give event reports at board meetings. Animal Welfare Advocate: Keep members informed of organizations in need, coordinate benefits for local rescue groups, give reports on these issues at board meetings. Sponsorship Director: Acquire sponsors for events, get items to distribute at events, give sponsorship reports at board meetings. Promotions Director: Do public relations work at board activities and events, keep members informed of club activities, and give promotions reports at board meetings. Demo/Shows Director: Organize all MNDDC demos/shows, keep members informed of demo/show opportunities, find people to participate in the demos, and give demo reports at board meetings. Webmaster: Keep MNDDC website information up to date, keep members informed of club activities via the website, develop interactive website database, and give report on website at board meetings. Newsletter Editor: Acquire articles & pictures for newsletter, organize edit and distribute quarterly newsletter, keep members informed of club activities via the newsletter, and give newsletter report at board meetings. Merchandizing Director: Determine merchandise needs of the club. Research the marketplace to fulfill those needs. Present the board several options for each merchandise need. Take orders from members for merchandise. Place orders with vendors. Distribute merchandise to members. ARTICLE V I I I . RECONSIDERATION OF BOARD ACTION Section l. Whenever a petition, signed by a majority of the entire club membership, alleges that a decision of the Board of Directors should be reconsidered by the membership of the club, the club Secretary or President shall give at least fourteen (l4) clear days written notice, including online notice, to the entire membership of a special meeting to reconsider the decision in question. Such meeting shall be held within thirty (30) days of the date the petition is received by the MNDDC Board. At this meeting, the decision of the Board of Directors may be reversed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those members present. ARTICLE IX. MEETINGS Section l. Since the club does not hold regular monthly meetings, all members are invited and encouraged to attend the scheduled Board meetings. While these members do not have voting privileges, their input on issues is welcomed by the Board. ARTIClE X. VOTING PROCEDURES Section l. Whenever a board vote is called the number of votes cast shall equal the number of board members present at the meeting. In case of a tie, the President's vote is the deciding vote. Section 2. Polls and voting may be conducted online unless 3 board members have an objection. To make a valid objection, it must be made within 96 hours of the date and time the poll was posted online. If the objection is not noted within that time limit, the online poll will be considered valid and binding. Section 3. Voting for Club Officers and Board Members must be done in person at the annual meeting. Online votes or absentee votes will not be counted. ARTICLE XI. NOMINATION & ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Section l. The election of officers and directors shall be held at the December meeting. Section 2. Voting shall be by ballot and only active members in good standing may vote. Section 3. At least four (4) weeks prior to the December meeting, the President shall make a call to the general membership by written or online notice for officers and directors nominations. Section 4. At least two (2) weeks prior to the December meeting, the President shall submit to the general membership, a list of nominees for each office and for each director position. Section 5. Prior to the December meeting, the President shall appoint an Elections Committee, consisting of two (2) members. The duties of this committee shall be to distribute, collect and count the ballots and report them to the President who will announce them. A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary to elect any officer. If any ballot does not have a majority for a nominee for any office, the President shall immediately designate a time and place for further balloting for such office. Section 6. Nothing in this Article shall be construed as limiting the right to make nominations from the floor at the meeting. ARTICLE X I I . REMOVAL OF OFFICERS OR DIRECTORS Section l. Any Officer or Director that is found to not be acting in the best interest of the club and it's Mission Statment shall be removed from that office. If a written allegation to this effect is made by any member in good standing, and presented to the board, it shall be resolved in the following manner. a. The Board of Directors, excluding the offender will assign a Special Committee of five (5) members to investigate the alleged improper conduct, verbal or physical. b. The Special Comntittee will investigate, assess the situation and make recommendation of corrective action to be taken to promote the club and its "Mission." c. Removal of a person from their Office or Director position is accomplished by voting on the recommendation for the removal of said person from the elected position by 2/3 majority vote of the active mentbers present at a club meeting called for this purpose, providing that written notice, including online notice, is given to all active members at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting. ARTICLE X I I I . REVENUE Section l. The annual dues shall be as determined by the Board of Directors and shall be approved by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the board members present at any regular board meeting. Such annual dues shall remain in effect until changed in accordance with the provisions of this section. Section 2. Revenue from other sources other than those defined in this article may be raised as determined by the Board of Directors and approved by a two thirds (213) vote of the board members present at any regular board meeting. ARTICLE XIV. FINANCE Section 1. The Board of Directors shall determine the official depository or depositories and shall designate those persons who shall be authorized to sign checks. Section 2. Upon the dissolution of the club, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of the club, dispose of all of the assets of the club exclusively for the purposes of the club, in such manner; or to such organization or organizations organized exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes that shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law). ARTICLE XV. SEVERABILITY Section 1. In the event that any provision of these bylaws is held invalid, all other provisions shall remain in effect. ARTICLE XVI. AMENDMENTS Section l. Any amendments to these bylaws may be adopted by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the active members present at a meeting called for this purpose. Section 2. There shall be no voting by proxy or absentee ballot. Approved this _____day of __________ ,2008 President_____________________ Vice President_____________________________ Secretary_____________________ At Large Board Member_________________________ At Large Board Member_________________________ At Large Board Member_________________________ At Large Board Member_________________________ At Large Board Member_________________________ At Large Board Member_________________________ At Large Board Member_________________________
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