2025 Events
Below you can find the schedule for our upcoming 2025 events! Please follow our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE (and click on events) for the most up to date information on our events throughout the season! If you'd like to play K9 Toss and Catch League or UpDog Challenge Bit Club League with us, please join our LEAGUE FACEBOOK GROUP HERE!

2025 Schedule
Land of 10,000 Discs
Welcome to the Land of 10,000 Discs! This annual event will consist of an Ashley Whippet Invitational (AWI) world qualifier, The Hero Cup long-distance throwing competition, and UpDog Challenge games mixed in!
Up to date information on registration can be found here:
(Coming Soon)
Dog Days of Summer
Welcome to the Dog Days of Summer! This annual event will consist of a Skyhoundz Classic world qualifier and Discdogathon world qualifier!
(More Info Coming Soon)
Star Jam
Welcome to Star Jam! This annual event will take place in the evening under the lights and consist of classic MNDDC Format games like Freestyle, Toss & Catch & Long Shot!
(More info coming soon)
MN State Disc Dog Championship
Welcome to State Champs! This annual event is a weekend tournament where we crown Minnesota's champion disc dog team each year.
This year will be 2 days packed full of UpDog fun, camping, and more!
This event is open to anyone from anywhere, it is not members-only.
Facebook Event Page Coming Soon