Novice Freestyle: 1 round of Freestyle Cathy Whitney/Zoey 26 Emily Northrop/Kirby 23.7 Nancy Slocumb/SAILOR* 22.1 Josie Moen/Roo 20.4 Sean Silvernail/Maverick 19.5 Sherrone Mulry/Mr chance man* 16 Novice Toss and Catch: cut was top 5 Emily Northrop/Kirby 9 3.5 12.5 Nancy Slocumb/Sailor* 3 2 5 Courtney Yost/Koda 3.5 0 3.5 Jeff Johnson/Zac 2.5 0 2.5 Sherrone Mulry/Mr chance man 1 0 1 Sherrone Mulry/ Belle 0 Sean Silvernail and Maverick 0 Freestyle: cut was top 15. Scores are round 1 of freestyle, 1 round of toss and catch, round 2 of toss and catch and total overall Andrew Han/Solar 37.6 12.5 37.1 87.2 Chandler Curtis/Loco 36.4 9 34.9 80.3 Chandler Curtis/Fury 32.2 14 34 80.2 Apryl Lea/Kiva* 33 9.5 35.8 78.3 Christina Curtis/Nitro 33.3 8.5 34.6 76.4 Roo Yori/Wallace* 38.1 0 37.4 75.5 Brian Muck/Bailey 30.2 14 30.6 74.8 Abby Cline/Petey* 33.5 6 34.8 74.3 Abby Cline/Dojo* 33.5 6.5 33.6 73.6 Apryl Lea/EZ ryder* 32.6 5 33.5 71.1 Ron Watson/Si* 32 6.5 32.3 70.8 Brian Bruzek/Rocket 31.5 4.5 32.9 68.9 Ron Watson/Leilani* 32.9 0 32.8 65.7 Brian Muck/Jasmine 28.1 9 27.4 64.5 Brian Bruzek/Jack 28.7 4.5 26.3 59.5 Terry Kennedy Lares/Dougal 28 Mike Koranda/ Lucy Mae 27.3 Denise Koster/Soupy 27.2 Paul Winsworth/Grady 26 Matt Diano/Loki 24.9 Andrew Han/Luka* 22 Toss and Catch: cut was top 15. 1.Chandler Curtis/Fury 14 10 24 3.Andrew Han/Solar* 12.5 9.5 22 Emily Northrup/Frankie 12 10 22 2.Roo Yori/Ajax 8 14 22 Brian Muck/Bailey 14 6.5 20.5 Matt Diano/Loki 8 11 19 Christina Curtis/Nitro* 8.5 10 18.5 Josh Grenell/Wazee 9 8 17 Chandler Curtis/Loco* 9 7 16 Brian Muck/Jasmine 9 7 16 Micheal Curtis/Jetta 6.5 8.5 15 Christina Curtis/Jetta 8 6.5 14.5 Tania Lex/Jun 7 4.5 11.5 Paul Winsworth/Grady 9 0 9 Mike Koranda/ Lucy Mae 5.5 2.5 8 Clara Yori/Ajax 5 Christina Curtis/Jack 5 Denise Koster/Soupy 5 Josie Moen/Roo 4.5 Brian Bruzek/Rocket 4.5 Brian Bruzek/Jack 4.5 Amanda Sharp/ Koda 4 Terry Kennedy Lares/Dougal 3.5 Christina Curtis/Tazer 2.5 Jeff Johnson/Zoey 2 Clara Yori/Angus 2 Amanda Sharp/Bailey 2 Jeff Johnson/Abby 2 Taidg Kennedy Lares/Dougal 1.5 Josie Moen/Dusty 1 Clara Yori/Scooby Snack 1 Denise Koster/Bailey 0 Terry Kennedy Lares/Fergus 0 Judges Choice: Cathy Whitney Highest total freestyle Roo and Wallace with 75.5 total points in 2 rounds
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